
Hope Academy Class

Being pregnant for nine months brings changes and surprises.

But things are better when you're not alone

and you've got others who are going through the same things you are.

After 8 weeks, you will graduate with confidence

and many supplies you need for your newborn.

Classes include

Your body and pregnancy

The first year


Positive Relationships

Anger Management

Financial Freedom and more...

Don't miss out - Make this a special time in your life.

 Sign up now to attend Hope Academy

A leader will be in touch with you about the class. 

Blessed Are You Class 

  When you're pregnant, 

It’s normal to feel unsure about what to do next.

 "Blessed Are You"   

will encourage you and help you gain confidence.

You're going to be a great mom.

Here are some things you'll talk about and then on week 7,

there's a CELEBRATION for you!

Classes cover topics like:

First baby - what's necessary to buy and what can wait

Breastfeeding and what to expect

Co-parenting and family support


Safety at home

Daily care for a newborn

Pursuing your dreams 

 Don't miss out on making pregnancy a great time in your life.

Sign up now to attend Blessed are You!

A leader will be in touch when you sign up.

Easy Sign-up!

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