Sweet Dreams
Sweet Dreams

Oh, the dreams that pregnancy brings!
Now that you’re pregnant, have you noticed that your dreams have changed? All of a sudden you went from dreaming in black and white to full- blown, high definition, vivid color, big screen, action packed, weird and often exciting dreaming!
Pregnancy is packed with hormones, changes in sleep patterns, and serious emotions, all of which are affecting your dream state.
I wish I could interpret dreams because I sure had some doozies when I was pregnant. Before pregnancy, I could barely remember my dreams. During pregnancy, I could recite every word and action of that dream and be so caught up in the details, that my husband would ask, “ Now is this real life or one of your dreams?!”
Most of my dreams were fun, but every now and then I’d have one that would scare the compression socks off me!
Pregnancy dreams are an interesting part of the journey and they may change from one trimester to the next. If you like to journal, start writing them down and share them at your next girl’s night out!
The sweetest dreams are the ones you have when you’re awake… The dream of your child’s future and the beautiful journey that is called motherhood.
I hope all your dreams are sweet…….
What are your dreams?
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