New Year, New Parenting Goals
New Year, New Parenting Goals

5 Parenting goals for 2020
1. Spend quality time with my children.
Most of us have jobs or other circumstances that take us away from our children at times. The point is, that when we are with them, really be WITH them. Pay attention to them, talk to them, ask them questions, share stories with them. You don’t need a lot of money to be a good parent. You just need to BE THERE. They need to know that they can count on you. Whether they are a baby, in school, or a young adult, spend QUALTITY time with your child.
2. Limit their screen time.
It’s so easy in today’s world of instant gratification, lazy parenting (Yes, I’m guilty as well!) to let our children be entertained by phones, I pads, tv, computers. It’s so much easier to put a movie on then take the time to play a game with our children. Let’s face it, we’re all tired and looking for the path of least resistance when it comes to parenting. Studies show how screen time is negatively affecting children’s brain development and social skills, not to mention the cyber bullying and images that no child should ever see! How about your own screen time? Are you guilty of spending too much time on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest boards when you could be playing cards with your kids?
3. Be a disciplinarian, not an enabler.
It may seem like it’s easier to just give in when our children are demanding, tired, and cranky, but don’t give in to the enabler mentality. Children need and actually want, boundaries. They will definitely test those boundaries at every stage of their life, but they are counting on you, the parent to set them straight. They need to know right from wrong.
4. Make sure they know they are loved.
Sometimes it’s words, but way more often, it’s our actions that show how much we love our children. “Love is patient, love is kind, slow to anger…” 1 Corinthians
5. Be a role model of kindness, compassion, fairness and strength.
Your children learn from you. If they see you being mean, spiteful, vindictive, and aggressive, don’t be surprised when they act the same. If they see you being kind and caring, that sets the tone for how they will expect to be treated and how they will treat others. Teaching your children to be kind and confident is probably the best gift you can give them.
I hope 2020 is the best year yet! Happy Parenting!
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