My pregnancy test was positive and I was smoking and drinking recently
My pregnancy test was positive and I was smoking and drinking recently

The first thing is, don’t panic. You can’t change the past, but we’re moving forward and today is a new day, clean slate.
If you stop drinking and doing drugs today, you can decrease the risk of health problems for you and your baby.
Because alcohol and drugs can cross over into the baby through the placenta, heavy drinking can cause fetal alcohol syndrome in your baby.
Some people find it hard to quit, but if you are able, it’s best to stop using all together. That includes juuling, vaping and smoking cigarettes.
When you get your doctor’s appointment, tell them exactly what you’ve used so they can best help you and your baby.
So, if you’ve been drinking or using and just found out you’re pregnant, you’re probably going to be ok! But stop today, ok.
Parenting is full of lots of choices and decisions, and this is a perfect time for good decisions!
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