Morning Sickness

Mary's House - Pregnancy Care Center - Louisiana

Morning Sickness

October 1, 2018
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That sudden, overwhelming urge to vomit is often the first “ A ha”  moment when you realize you might be pregnant.

I guess you could say that it serves a good purpose at that moment…

It makes you get a pregnancy test, and a doctor’s appointment, so okay nausea.  

Other than that,

Nausea is no fun!

Here are some tips to battle morning sickness:

1. Before you even get out of bed for the day, eat a cracker and sip on some water, ginger-ale or lemon-lime soda. Let that settle into your stomach before you put your feet on the floor.

2. Drink sips of dill pickle juice. Not the pickle, just a few sips of the juice. It really works with some people!

3. Place a few drops of anti-nausea essential oils behind your ears. You can get a bottle at any pharmacy over the counter. It may smell like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint.

4.  Wear a motion sickness sea band on your wrist.

5.  Keep crackers and snacks handy to eat throughout the day.

6.  Talk to your doctor about adding B6 to your vitamin supplements.

7.   If your morning sickness is preventing you from getting the nutrition you need, and making your life miserable, talk to your doctor about prescription medication for nausea.  

8.  Do not take over the counter medications before talking to your doctor.

9. Keep a plastic bag and change of clothes with you, just in case.


I know you feel bad…

                          But don’t let nausea make you sad!


Trisha PictureTrisha has been a Registered Nurse for twenty-five years. She connects with pregnant women in a personal, cheerful and caring way. At Mary’s House, she is the Clinic Director who can answer questions as a nurse and encourage you as a good friend would.

The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Any information found on this site should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Use of this information should be done in accordance with the health care plan outlined by your healthcare professional. For specific medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment, consult your doctor.

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