Giving Thanks and Making Wishes
Giving Thanks and Making Wishes

A wish for your best life:
As Thanksgiving nears, we think about all the things we are thankful for. Next comes Christmas and we start making our wish list.
As you imagine the best life for you and your children, which of these would you wish for?
1. A home that is safe and secure
2. Financial security
3. People in your life that love you and your child
4. Health
5. Joy
6. A church family
7. A relationship with God that is comforting, peaceful and joyful.
As you read this, do you realize that you already have some or all of these things?
Do you count yourself blessed?
Or is there something else you’re looking for?
Is there something on that list that you don’t have, but really want? What’s stopping you from getting that thing?
Good things don’t often just fall into our laps. Maybe you’ve missed out on a blessing because you weren’t paying attention or maybe you weren’t being pro-active to get what you wanted. God puts people in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. If you’re not on the lookout for a blessing, you just might miss out.
Don’t miss out!
Your wish list is attainable. Sometimes you may need a hand- out or a hand- up in the process, but keep climbing that ladder to your dreams.
When you see goodness in your life, take the time to appreciate it. Give thanks. Smile. Exhale.
Can you return the favor to someone else? It is in giving that we receive. Give thanks, give praise.
Happy Thanksgiving!
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