Christmas time
Christmas time

Christmas is a time of joy, excitement and children make this time of the year so special!
When they’re babies,
looking at your baby feels like the best Christmas present ever, filling you with joy and excitement of all the Christmases to come.
When they’re toddlers,
it’s experiencing the joy and excitement of Christmas through a small child’s eyes,
confused when they are more excited about the box it came in than the present you spent all that money on!
When they’re school age,
it’s the excitement and joy of knowing that presents are coming. Chores are done without too much haggling because they know Santa is watching.
When they’re teenagers,
it’s the excitement and joy they feel knowing they’ll have a two week break from school.
When they’re older
and leave your house, it’s the joy and excitement of having them back to eat Christmas dinner.
When they’re grown
and have families of their own, it’s the joy and excitement of sharing Christmas with your grandbabies.
Christmas is a wonderful time to celebrate children and to celebrate the child born in a manger 2000 years ago who continues to bring love, joy and excitement to us year-long!
Merry Christmas to you, your children, and all of your family!
Trisha has been a Registered Nurse for twenty-five years. She connects with pregnant women in a personal, cheerful and caring way. At Mary’s House, she is the Clinic Director who can answer questions as a nurse and encourage you as a good friend would.
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