Call or Email us about these amazing FREE programs!
Call or Email us about these amazing FREE programs!

There are some amazing free programs for pregnant and new moms right here in our own neighborhood! Stay tuned to this blog for the next 5 weeks as we highlight 5 free programs that offer QUALITY care and services. Our first shout out goes to an amazing program that you don't want to miss...
Nurse Family Partnership and Parents as Teachers!
WHO qualifies?
This program is for moms pregnant with their first baby.
Must be eligible for Medicaid, SNAP, WIC or TANF
WHAT is the program about?
A personal nurse will provide care throughout your pregnancy, answer your questions and give you the support and encouragement that every pregnant woman needs. Care continues through your child’s second birthday.
WHEN do I receive the services?
Try to register before your 16th week of pregnancy, although you can still register after that.
WHERE do I receive services?
The nurse typically meets you at your home.
WHY is this program so good?
The nurses truly care about you!
HOW can I sign up?
Call (318) 676-5222 ext. 247 or Email us for an appointment with Mary’s House for a free pregnancy test and ultrasound and we will send in the referral for you.
If you already have children and are pregnant, you’ll be in the award- winning PARENTS as TEACHERS program.
This is what moms are saying about NFP and PAT:
“Nurse-Family Partnership gave me a boost to my confidence and showed me that I could be a good parent to my daughter,” said Mela.“I think it was the best thing I could have done.”
"If you're anything like me, you want your children to have as many people in their corner as possible to help them succeed. Never once did I feel like a bad parent or that I was being analyzed, but rather that I was becoming a more successful parent. I am my child's first teacher and I want to give her everything I can. Parents as Teachers helps you do that."
Be blessed!
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The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Any information found on this site should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Use of this information should be done in accordance with the health care plan outlined by your healthcare professional. For specific medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment, consult your doctor.