Boy or Girl?
Boy or Girl?

Or is it?
When you find out you’re pregnant, it seems like most people you meet will have an old wives’ tale to tell you if you’re having a boy or a girl.
Are you carrying low?
Are your hips getting wider?
How fast is your baby’s heart beat?
What are you craving?
Do little boys or little girls want to be close to you?
Are you having a lot of heartburn?
It’s so fun to guess!
An ultrasound is usually a good predictor of gender, but sometimes that baby will trick the sonographer! If your sonographer tells you that you're having a boy, you can probably go paint the town blue, but the only way to know for 100 percent certainty is during delivery when your doctor holds up that beautiful crying baby and says “ It’s a boy!!!!!”
One of my friends is pregnant and about to have her baby any day. They choose not to find out what they were having and the wait is almost over!
So, whether you wait to find out or not, one thing is certain....
It will be a boy or a girl… and he, or she, will be beautiful!
Trisha has been a Registered Nurse for twenty-five years. She connects with pregnant women in a personal, cheerful and caring way. At Mary’s House, she is the Clinic Director who can answer questions as a nurse and encourage you as a good friend would.
The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Any information found on this site should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Use of this information should be done in accordance with the health care plan outlined by your healthcare professional. For specific medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment, consult your doctor.