After Delivery, Call your Doctor with these Symptoms
After Delivery, Call your Doctor with these Symptoms

In the busy days and weeks after you have your baby, your focus is usually all on the baby.
BUT also pay attention to YOU and YOUR symptoms:
- Severe Headache
- Changes in your vision, dizziness and fainting
- Swelling of your hands and face
- Fever over 100.4 F
- Heavy Bleeding or leaking Fluid that smells bad
- Severe Belly Pain
- Chest Pain, Palpitations, fast heartbeat
- Severe Nausea and Throwing up
- Trouble breathing and Short of Breath
- Thoughts of harming yourself or your Baby
- Severe tiredness
If you have any of these symptoms,
CALL YOUR DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY or go to the ER and say:
“I was recently pregnant and had my baby on ___________. I’m having serious health concerns and I don’t feel right. These are my symptoms _______, _______, _______.” ( Use from the list above and add any other unusual symptoms or problems you’re having.
Taking care of you is taking care of your baby too!
Reference: Hear Her Concerns
The information contained on this site is for educational purposes only and is not meant for diagnosis or treatment. Any information found on this site should be discussed with a healthcare professional. Use of this information should be done in accordance with the health care plan outlined by your healthcare professional. For specific medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment, consult your doctor.